HomeCategoryAir Conditioner

Rodich Furnace Before
Rodich AC Before
Rodich AC During
Rodich During
Rodich Furnace After
Rodich AC After

This was a very special installation for us!  We love installing equipment for all our customers.  But, sometimes we get to do this for our closest family and friends — and today was that day for us!

We upgraded this Sherwood home to a new, propane Bryant High Efficiency furnace & Air conditioner.  Now, they can adjust their home temp anytime from their Bryant app and we receive alerts when their equipment is in need of a maintenance, repair, new furnace filter, etc.  Our installers were able to do 95% of this install without going into the home — making it an ideal job for the “social distancing” requirements.  We love bringing comfort to our community and this Sherwood home is so beautiful and will enjoy the comfort of this upgrade for years to come.


Thank you Ted & Jenni for believing in us, keeping our staff busy during this time and always supporting our business!  We hope you love your new equipment!!

Evergreen Gas LLC Heating & Cooling, 2022 © | Oregon CCB# 242528